Sunday, 18 September 2016

JQuery part I

JQuery is a JavaScript library, written in JavaScript, to simplify the JavaScript programming. JQuery completes a task in much less lines of codes than JavaScript to complete the same task.
Including JQuery in JavaScript
JQuery can be included in the JavaScript code either by downloading the library or by Content Delivery Network (CDN). CDN is provided by Google and Microsoft.

Advantage of including via a CDN
When a user requests a file from CDN, it is served from the closest server to the user, making it faster to load.

Basic Syntax
Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()
  • $ sign indicated its a JQuery.
  • selector indicates on which element to work.
  • action indicates what action needs to be performed over the element.
some examples are shown below:
$("p").hide() - hides all <p> elements.
$(".test").hide() - hides all elements with class="test".
$("#test").hide() - hides the element with id="test".
$(this).hide() - hides the current element.

Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..~~!!


Friday, 19 August 2016

Ruby - 1

Ruby is an interpreted language. Interpreted languages are those in which instructions are executed one by one.
If some one is new to programming field, he/she  will not be able to understand my above lines. Don't worry, my very next post will be dedicated to the it. Before starting any programming language, it is necessary to understand what actually a programming language is (especially if you are going to start your first language) and why it is different from others. Read my next blog and you will be able to understand what actually is programming language, why are we even learning it and what is the difference between scripting language, markup language and programming language. So for now, I will just introduce Ruby.

Ruby is object oriented. Don't worry, I will definitely explain "What does being Object Oriented mean?" and will explain after all "why we needed the language to be Object Oriented?" in my next to next blog.

After all these I will start with Ruby and will strictly talk about technology. I will also complete the topic on Git and explain SSH.

Before starting Ruby, we should keep following points in mind:
  • Ruby looks easy and indeed the written code is easily understandable, but Ruby actually is very complex and error prone. 
  • Ruby is more famous because of Rails, Rails is a web development framework.
Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..~~!!
Click Here for my Blog (advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Using Git

Everyone must have an idea of Git. If not, you are not following my blogs. Find it here: "Why Git?(advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

Git is used to push repository from local to remote, clone and pull repository from remote to local. Lets get to the steps to do that directly. We will use terminal to write commands:

From Local to Remote

  1. Go to the folder where your file is stored using 'cd' command. Suppose you are at home and the file is stored in Downloads. Go to Downloads by writing the command 'cd Downloads'. By the way, home can be reached by just typing 'cd' in the terminal. After reaching the Downloads, you need to initialize git here. Git can be initialized by writing 'git init' command. This should create a .git folder in Downloads.
  2. Next step would be to add your file to the Git. Adding can be explained as picking a particular file from a list of files in that folder. This can be done with the command 'git add file_na, me.txt'.
  3. git commit -m "any message". This command will commit the file to your git. Your push will come the message you write under the double inverted commas.
  4. git remote add origin ...... This command will link your local to the remote. The address of the remote is written after origin. Origin is just name of your local repository. You can give any name.
  5. Now this command will push your file to the remote: "git push origin master".
From Remote to Local

  1. git clone ...... write this command in your terminal and repository will be saved into local.  The address of the remote is written after clone. Folder with the same name as the repository will be created in the directory where where you are currently.

Well this was all about pushing and cloning from local to remote and vice-versa. Any time you can run the command git status to check which files are added, which files are committed and which files are needed to be commit. There are many more thing which needs to be discussed about Git, but will leave it for the next time. I will also discuss about SSH.

Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..~~!!
Click Here for my Blog (advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

Monday, 8 August 2016


After using Windows OS for many years, it was quite difficult to switch over to UBUNTU. First impression for Ubuntu was: Its not that user friendly. The fact is, its simple, user friendly and programmer friendly.

Ubuntu is Linus based OS. Linux is the kernel of Ubuntu. kernel is something which makes possible for the OS to interact with the system's hardware. Fedora, Debian are other examples of Linux based OS.

Command line interface for Ubuntu is known as Terminal. (Ctrl+Alt+T) will open the Terminal for you. Following are some useful commands for Ubuntu beginners:
man : Opens Manual page of any command
ls : list of files and directories in your present directory
cd : change directory, (type cd name of directory)
mkdir : create a new directory
rm : remove files or directory
rmdir : removes directory
mv : rename files and directories
pwd : shows your current directory
vi : a editor
cat : shows content of a file on the Terminal
nano : a editor
cp : copies content

Above given were some commands of many. Anyone can google for Ubuntu commands which comes handy when using Ubuntu and eases the life on Ubuntu.

This was nothing but a introduction for Ubuntu. I will definitely go into the details in my coming posts. There are various things lined up, various knowledge is lined up for sharing, e.g., detailed Ubuntu, detailed Git, ruby a programming language. As more posts will come I will go more and more technical.

Till the next time
Keep learning, keep sharing..~~!!   
Click Here for my Blog (advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

Monday, 1 August 2016

Why Git?

Hello, and welcome again. I will continue from where I left. Remember what I said in my previous blog? --Keep learning and keep sharing!!--
If you haven't read it yet, here it is :"My First Blog" (advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

My blogs will be all about sharing what I learn and my experience. Post by post the blogs will become more technical.

Before proceeding further answer this question: Why is it important to share the knowledge?

What I learnt this week was totally new to me but was totally exciting- "Git".
Git is a software used for software development. Create a repository in the cloud and upload your locally created work. The uploading process is called push. Every time you push it gets saved with a new head so that you can download your previous works. Suppose you push something and you have been updating it for the past 10 weeks, you can still download your work what you updated after your update of 6th week because Git saves your every push with a new head or version and hence, Git is called a Version Control System. The downloading process is called pull.
Git makes it easier for a team with distant members to work on a single project. Each member can push their work on the cloud and pull other's work from the cloud. It is decentralized and hence, it is a Distributed Revision Control system

So, Git is a very essential software for a team in software development. This was more like an introduction, details will be in the next post. Till then, keep learning, keep sharing because learning and sharing both are important. One learns because someone else shares. What if scientists stop sharing? What if Newton, Franklin, Einstein and others hadn't shared their inventions and discoveries?

Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..~~!!
Click Here for my Blog (advertisement may come; skip if you want to)

Sunday, 24 July 2016

First Job Experience

My first blog comes after getting my first job. First job in general is a really big step change in life, but not in my case. From school life to college life we all enjoy a ‘bindas’ life, with a right amount of ‘swag’. Max fun, min responsibility and min tension  is what we know as school and college.

There is a very negligible change in life from school to college, but then comes the final year of graduation. We start preparing ourselves for the professional world and start wondering how it is going to be.

Professional life means start acting like what you were not in college.  You start hearing words like increased responsibility, more tension, politics, sycophancy, race and the list goes on.

Well, my experience? Yes, I was also getting myself prepare for these things.  There is definitely increased responsibility, but I got my first job at such a place which doesn't make you feel like you are somewhere else. Here, acquaintances are friends, no race, environment is as cool as possible with a lot of positive energy. They mix work with a right amount of fun, which is possibly the main reason of their growth and achievements.

Learning over? If you think leaning part is over, then you are over. After graduation, study life finishes but the real leaning phase starts. 

Care for some tips? Keep everything managed, do what you love or find a way to start loving what you do. Money is important but as a fresher, learning is far more important. Learn more, earn more!!

I will keep sharing my experience and keep posting what I learn, so..
Keep Learning...Keep Sharing..~~!!
Click Here for my Blog (advertisement may come; skip if you want)